Practice is twofold. The first part is training; the second is the act itself. And these are not two things; when you train, the act itself is happening; when you are the act itself, your training is deepened.
Practice is to work "as if." The lawyer practices as if she or he were an attorney. The doctor practices as if she or he were a physician. Being and learning are one and the same. It is just as though you were trying to play the piano with Mozart's hands. At first such action "as if" is awkward, but with practice your music becomes your own best creation. In the same way, our zazen becomes your own best inspiration, and your interaction with others expresses the love which has been in your heart from the very beginning.
- Robert Aitken
novat, mul oli ka plaan seda mõttekäiku postitada, aga jõudsid ette :)
tervisi siis niisama.
mulle eriti meeldis pyhap2evane
Having a quality of "beginningness," a fresh, simple, unsophisticated view of things. To have "beginner's mind" in how we approach things is a major teaching.
see on meie lainepikkusel t6esti eriti oluline m6ista, et yle varju ei unistaks
mulle kinkis yks pensionil olev 2*2h p2evas mediteeriv joogakaaslane yhe biograafia, ytles et tal konnektis maru h2sti, ja siis m6tled et kas tema on juba lainepikkust vahetanud, ja ytled 2it2hh
ei, meelis, mulle meeldis see veeeeeel rohkem...
tegelt ka meeldis.
selline kummaline tunne on neid asju avastada - kõik on nii lihtne ja arusaadav.
Nii tore, et meil selline diskussioon käib! Eks see daily dharma mõju olene ju päevast ja tingimustest.
Vahepeal ikka sobib nii hästi, et ei saa kuidagi blogisse postitamata jätta.
Tänane meeldetuletus oli ka väga vajalik..
We are lost in our thoughts, our feelings, our emotions, our stories, our plans.
no kõlab üsnagi minu moodi.
aga selle daily dharmaga on mul sageli selline tunne, et ma olen neid asju tegelikult teadnud ja nüüd nad lihtsalt tuletatakse meelde. selline "aa, nojah, tõepoolest!" tunne.
mäletad, meelis, kui sa seda käe-rusikas-hoidmise-juttu mulle rääkisid.
aga jah, eks hetkekontekstil on ka suur mõju.
loeme rahulikult
m6istame tasakesi
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