Otsustasin uuesti (üle mitmete aastate) blogisse kirjutama hakata, kuna tundsin selleks vajadust, aga ma ei oodanud nii suurt huvi. Jälgisin stats'i ja ülin üllatunud. Ju siis inimesi huvitab. Aga mul jällegi ei ole huvi KÕIGILE kirjutada. Tuleb leida tasakaal. Ühelt poolt nagu tahaks oma mõtteid jagada, aga teisest küljest jälle mitte. Olla nagu lind, kes metsas laulab, kuid keda enamasti ei kuulda... see sobib.
Kui oled seda lugema sattunud, siis järelikult pead siin olema.
Mul on selline tunne, et peakski ajast kirjutama.
Googeldasin just ja sain teada, et ka teadlased uurivad seda fenomeni, nii et ma pole ainuke loll, kes sellest räägib... See artikkel räägib küll sellest, et aeg on aegade algusest saati pidevalt kiirenenud, aga ikkagi... Järgmine artikkel väidab koguni, et aeg kaob üldse ära. Terence McKenna rääkis ka midagi sarnast - et aeg kiireneb pidevalt ja lõpuks kaob üldse ära. Seda on raske ette kujutada, mida tähendab aja kadumine, aga igaljuhul võib siis täie kindlusega öelda, et "aega üldse ei ole!" :) Tegelt ma arvan, et kui aega ei ole, siis järelikult elame hetkes ehk igavikus.. ikka keeruline ette kujutada. Aga elame-näeme. Igaljuhul on mul tunne, nagu oleksime suures lehtris, millest vesi keereldes välja voolab ja mida madalamele see vajub, seda kiiremaks muutub vee keeris.
Mulle on aeg alati pinda käinud, nii et tore oleks kui ta kaoks. :) Aitab küll, Kronos, kaua Sa meid piinad, aeg on lahkuda :)))
Huvitav, kas väljend "head aega" kaob ka siis käibelt ja ehk soovitakse lihtsalt head? :)
Ja väljend "aega ei ole" on küll korrektne, kuid kaotab oma mõtte? :)
Crazy world!
Have a nice ride! :)
1 comment:
Paar mõtet ka Alan Watts'ilt antud teemal..
.“Time is a measure of energy, a measure of motion. And we have agreed internationally on the speed of the clock. And I want you to think about clocks and watches for a moment. We are of course slaves to them. And you will notice that your watch is a circle, and that it is calibrated, and that each minute, or second, is marked by a hairline which is made as narrow as possible, as yet to be consistent with being visible.
And when we think of a moment of time, when we think what we mean by the word 'now'; we think of the shortest possible instant that is here and gone, because that corresponds with the hairline on the watch. And as a result of this fabulous idea, we are a people who feel that we don’t have any present, because the present is instantly vanishing - it goes so quickly. It is always becoming past. And we have the sensation, therefore, of our lives as something that is constantly flowing away from us. We are constantly losing time. And so we have a sense of urgency. Time is not to be wasted. Time is money. And so, because of the tyranny of this thing, we feel that we have a past, and we know who we are in terms of our past. Nobody can ever tell you who they are, they can only tell you who they were.
And we think we also have a future. And that is terribly important, because we have a naive hope that the future is somehow going to supply what we are looking for. You see, if you live in a present that is so short that it is not really here at all, you will always feel vaguely frustrated.” ~Alan Watts...
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