Wednesday, March 19, 2008

all that exists

Oleks üht-teist kirjutada, aga ajapuudusel piirdun siiski ühe hea postiga Tricycle Magazine`st:

The habit of ignoring our present moments in favor of others yet to come leads directly to a pervasive lack of awareness of the web of life in which we are embedded. This includes a lack of awareness and understanding of our own mind and how it influences our perceptions and our actions. It severely limits our perspective on what it means to be a person and how we are connected to each other and the world around us. Religion has traditionally been the domain of such fundamental inquiries within a spiritual framework, but mindfulness has little to do with religion, except in the most fundamental meaning of the word, as an attempt to appreciate the deep mystery of being alive and to acknowledge being vitally connected to all that exists.

--Jon Kabat-Zinn, Wherever You Go, There You Are


Vassilissa said...

aga siiski... kirjuta?

Mella said...


ja jaapanist ikka kah
hapukapsasushi ja genmaicha

ja pilte oleks maru hea n2ha